Saturday, November 22, 2008

It didn't work...

I've been very good about my vitamin C intake the last two weeks. I bought oranges and orange juice. Sadly, I got sick anyways. So does this mean I overdosed on Vitamin C? I don't know what it means, but I'm tired of blowing my nose.


Rachel said...

Yes, you did overdose on vitamin c...and therefore it's effects were negated. Stinks to be you. Oh, and don't worry about blowing your nose. Just let the snot run down your's really attractive.

2KT Faupula girls said...

I did the same thing too! Can't trust those oranges! j/k LOL! Gotta love eating it all up though! My kids enjoy eating them, now I just have to get them to enjoy picking up all the peels everywhere.

Vanina F. said...

ay,ay,ay mi cute Stacie,en verdad nunca se comprobo realmente el poder la vitamina C,es decir es algo metaforico,no asi con el escorbuto que seguramente no te va a afectar,con todas las naranjas que consumiste,jaja.
A mi las naranjas me hacen pensar en Santiago,nunca comi tantas naranjas como en esta area,recuerdo que nuestra heladera algunas veces solo tenis naranjas,que pesada soy no??????